Create new page⌘N
Open new Notion window⇧⌘N
Open a page as a new window⇧⌥(click)
Open a link as a new tab⌘(click)
Create a new Notion tab⌘T
Open search or jump to a recently viewed page⌘P
Copy page url⌘L
Go back a page⌘[
Go forward a page⌘]
Go to the previous database page in database peek⌃⇧K
Go to the next database page in database peek⌃⇧J
Toggle between dark mode and light mode⇧⌘L
Expand or close the sidebar⌘\
Move the current page⇧⌘P
Share or publish to the web⇧⌘O
Dictate text⌘O
Open page side/center-peek fully⌘↩
Content creation
Create body text⌥⌘0
Create H1 heading⌥⌘1
Create H2 heading⌥⌘2
Create H3 heading⌥⌘3
Create to-do checkbox⌥⌘4
Create bulleted list⌥⌘5
Create numbered list⌥⌘6
Create toggle list⌥⌘7
Create code block⌥⌘8
Create or convert to a new page⌥⌘9
Text formatting
Inline code⌘E
Apply last text or highlight color⇧⌘H
Block Actions
Select current block⎋
Stop selecting blocks⎋When blocks are selected
Move selected blocks⇧⌘↑Up or down
Delete selected blocks⌫
Duplicate selected blocks⌘D
Edit selected block↩
Edit or change selected blocks⌘/
Edit multiple database rows or cards⌘/
Expand or close all toggles⌥⌘T
Toggle full-screen on selected imageSpace